Sunday, July 5, 2009

a lesson written from a gimped up hand...

fun is what they call it...pain is it's real name. Banged up, bruised up and sent on its way... Gainesville College has a semi-decent mountain bike preserve and over the years it has remained a staple of beginner biking. After you ride the trails for a while you learn and understand every curve, turn, and bend. I had not hit G. C.'s trail in a while so Saturday a pastor buddy and I went to brush up on our mtn. biking skills. I led the way thinking I knew the ropes...and suddenly change became my worst enemy! Since my last visit they had closed off my favorite entrance with large rocks to keep the irrigation and drainage proper, so it seems. In doing so, they created a serious safety not put large rocks at the bottom of a hill! So I see them and slow down thinking I can pass through, but there was no way...since I could not stop in time, the rocks and myself became one!

How Common is this in our perception of life? We think we have the answers, all the navigational know how, because life's always been that way. I found that just because I think it is so does not mean it is! Biblically speaking, we tend to operate in the arena of the familiar...we get acquainted with how it has always been and forget about checking the "trails" and we wonder why life lays sprawled all over the rocks! If I would have spent time daily at G.C., I would have known there was a drastic alteration in the landscape of the course. The same is true for life. The Bible claims "the (trails) of a good man are mapped by God"(Psalms 37:23-26 )...When we neglect the daily visitation of the trail map(hint) and think we are "good" in our own mind and perception, life tends to wind up facing head on with an unexpected pile of large, jagged circumstances, giving us little time for reaction. Let us be conscious of the pending changes and fully aware of the future path ahead!

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